- The production and storage area is 10,000 square meters,
- The administration building is 3,000 square metres.
- 17 kilometres of cabling was installed
- Power consumption of 2,500 Amp which is equal to the power supply for approximately 100 family houses.
- Equipped with wireless network through the entire building.
- It has 1,200 square metres of glass facades – equal to 18,000 pieces of A4 paper.
- Solar cells are installed on the roof top, with a production capacity of 45,000 KWh/year
- 154 LED lamps light up the production hall.
- Approximately 400 tonnes of machines and 400 tonnes of stock goods moved to Taastrup from the old factory in Herlev
- Optimized layout, effective processes and more simple work methods were central to Taastrup building design
DISA in Denmark
Assembly area in DISA Manufacturing Centre, Denmark
A view over the assembly hall of DISA Manufacturing Centre and Headquarters in Taastrup, Denmark