Your search for '' returned 242 results.
The most advanced, fastest and most efficient bentonite-bonded, foundry sand mixer - also the easiest to operate, access and maintain
Vertical green sand moulding machines for foundries producing good quality large castings at high speed.
DISA ARPA - a jolt squeeze horizontal green sand moulding technology for smaller foundries requiring flexibility, good quality production of short run castings.
The DISAMATIC C3 is offering up to 350 uncored moulds per hour.
A vertical, greensand moulding machine for easy upgrade from jolt squeeze or manual process to an automated vertical moulding process. C3 is the slowest speed in the DISAMATIC C line range.
The DISAMATIC C3-250 is offering up to 250 uncored moulds per hour.
Green sand vertical moulding machine for foundries requiring high speed and high yields.
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